
Friday, January 18, 2008

Date Auction

This is my favorite poster thus far. I learned so much as a designer working on this project that special souts goes out to Nicole Smith for giving the opportunity. It has this soft colorful touch to it that I love. The previous summer before I designed this poster I was expose to the art of saturation, special thanks to my good friend White Rob. This one is for you.

It's one thing to learn something but to apply what you learn is priceless. (I am not trying to make a connection to Master Card, it's just real talk)

Let's break down the work.
First off, there was a lot of text information to incorporate in this project so I was limited in my design approach.
So I researched vintage auction posters (yeah I said RESEARCH for you lames), and was inspired to create a border which frame the information. I then typed in the information and emphasized the main points I wanted to stand out by changing boldness, fonts, etc. After the text was completed, I subsituted the I in auction for an silhouette figure of a female in a flowy dress.

Although the saturated colors, silhouette, scratch out effect, and font played a big part, it was not until I added the 3-d looking arrow pointing down that brung it all together. It subconsciously forces the audience to read the poster from top to bottom. Brilliant
posted by Jamison at 11:13 AM


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